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Autumn 1

Addition with Base 10 in preparation for moving onto formal written methods

Collecting, interpreting and presenting data

Making skeletons of 3-D shapes. Which shapes can you identify?

Outdoor learning - right angle hunt

Exploring symmetry and lines of symmetry of 2-D shapes using mirrors and folding

Learning Recap starter activity > < and =

Reasoning discussion - Which is the odd one out?

Outdoor Learning - Visiting Base 10 number stations, finding 1 and 10 more/less

Ruler skills in preparation for drawing 2-D shapes

Making 2-D shapes using Geoboards

Base 10 - 10 more/less involving exchange

Exploring equivalence using Base 10

Fun playing times table beach ball ⛱

Maths Aerobics 4 x Table

Exploring Place Value and greater than (>) or less than (<) or equals =

Outdoor Learning - Two-digit numbers finding 10 more

Maths Aerobics - counting in multiples of 2, 5 and 10 and counting on in 10's from a given number.

Roman Numeral Bingo
