This term our topic is 'Light'.
We love starting our Monday afternoon science session exploring an 'Odd one out' activity related to our topic on the Explorify web site.
Week 5
We have been discussing how the moon reflects the sun's light into our eyes so that we can see it.
We then looked at what makes some materials more reflective than others and we investigated what materials would be most suitable to use for a coat. We designed a coat which would reflect light well and we chose the most suitable fabrics from a range of samples.
Week 4
This week we continued to explore light. We focused on shadows. We know shadows are made when light from a light source is blocked by an opaque object.
We made shadow puppets and conducted a shadow puppet investigation.
We moved the puppet away from the light source 30cm, 60cm and 90cm and recorded the size of the shadow. We loved using the torches, the puppets we had made and exploring shadows.
Week 3
This week we were involved in an outdoor learning activity. We went outside and worked in groups of three. Our task was to look through a hole made in one side of a shoe box, there was another hole at the other side to let in light. We had to look carefully to try to see what was inside. We were able to see some objects easier than others. We discussed this and tried to explain why some objects are easier to see when there is not much light. We discussed the materials the items were made from and whether or not they helped to reflect the light.
Week 2
This week we have looked at Light Sources. A light source is anything that makes light. There are natural and artificial light sources. A few examples of natural light sources include the Sun, stars and candles. A few examples of artificial light sources include light bulbs, lamp posts and televisions.
We thought about and looked for light sources around school, at home and in the environment around us. We then presented our findings in our books.
We also worked with our Talking Partner and discussed the concept cartoon below. We recorded our ideas on post it notes and placed these on our 'Light' classroom display.
Week 1
No Science - INSET
Look around your home. Where can you find a light? Can you make a list of your findings ready for your homework?