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Autumn 1

Finding the mass of a range of items using grams.

Measuring the length and height of a range of items using cubes and paper clips.

Measuring using body parts - feet, strides and hand span.

Is the mass less than a kg, the same as a kg or greater than a kg?

Comparing the length and height of objects. Which is the tallest? Which is the longest?

Would you measure using metres or centimetres?

Which number has the greatest value? Which number has the least value?

Writing number sentences to match the representations. //... 20+3=23

Sorting numbers. Find a number with 4 tens. Find a number with 6 ones.

Using a range of equipment to represent numbers to 30.

Comparing numbers.

Comparing numbers using base 10.

Playing the exchange game.

Making numbers to 30 using tens frames.

Using base ten to make numbers 10-19.

The children had to write down the number that each picture represented.

Using place value counters to make two-digit numbers.

Making numbers from 11 - 19 using one group of ten and some ones.

We went into the wildlife garden and found a selection of place value counter representations and base ten representations, we had to work out what number they were representing.

We have been writing the numbers 0-20 in words. We chose a card and wrote the number then we scanned the QR code to check our spelling.

We have been learning about tens and ones.

The children have been matching the representations that have the same value.

Does the representation show 46? Sort the representations into the correct hoop.

Playing the exchange game. Who will be the first person to collect three ten sticks?

The children have been making two-digit numbers using place value counters.

Making numbers to 20 on a tens frame.

Representing numbers using place value counters.

Matching the tens frames with the same amount of counters.

How many ways can you show 5 on a tens frame?

The children have been matching numbers, words and picture representations to 10.

Making two-digit numbers using bundles of straws and base 10.
