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Autumn 1

Recapping measuring the length of worms:

Recapping mass outdoors:

Subtraction using Base10:

Using our number bonds to 10 knowledge when subtracting from 10:

Comparing numbers

Recapping the value of each digit in a two- digit number:

Measuring the length of objects in centimetres.

We looked at the number digit and then wrote the number word and checked with the QR code on the I-pad to see if we were correct. Some of the number words are very tricky to write but we used our phonics knowledge for some like three and five!

Rounding a two-digit number to the nearest multiple of 10:

Outdoor maths - sorting numbers according to a given criteria:

Outdoor maths  - stating which number is the most.

Exchanging game - we began with 30. Who could get to 0?

10 more and 10 less game:

Maths starter - 2-D shapes - naming and describing them according to their properties

Recapping number bonds to 10

Reading number words

1 less than a number using our. magic sticks

Place Value - using concrete apparatus
