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Autumn 1

We have been recalling measuring. The children used rulers to measure the length of the worms in cm.

The children have been solving subtraction problems using part-part whole. They started by putting their base 10 or bundles of straws in the whole then subtracting the number by partitioning the number into the parts.

The children have been using the part-part whole model to complete addition number sentences. They used base ten to make the numbers in the parts and then combined them by moving them to the whole.

Recapping number bonds to 10. The children had 10 double-sided counters to generate number bonds to 10. How many blue and how many green? What is the number sentence?

Who has the greatest number? How do you know?

The children have been exploring the weight of a range of objects, does it weigh less than a kilogram or more than a kilogram? We have been using grams to weigh a selection of items.

The children have been measuring using centimetres.

We have been practicing writing numbers in words. The children wrote the number on the robot then checked the spelling by scanning the QR codes.

Would you measure in metres or centimetres? The children chose items in the class and decided if they would use metres or centimetre to measure the length or height.

Which number is the greatest? Which number is the least? How do you know? SG - 42 is the greatest because it has 4 tens. OH - 16 is the least because it only has 1 ten. HW - 67 is the greatest because it has the most ones and they all have 6 tens.

The children have been learning about more and less. They went into the playground to find a selection of numbers the sort them into more than 50 and less than 50.

We have been finding 1 more and 1 less than a given number. We went outside and used chalk to represent and write 1 more or 1 less.

The children have been on a number hunt around the wildlife garden. They had to read the number word and write the number in digits on their whiteboard.

The children have been playing the exchange game using place value counters. The first person to collect 3 tens is the winner.

The children have been playing the exchange game. The roll the dice and collect that number of counters, when the get 10 counter they exchange them for a 10 stick.

We have been representing numbers using a variety of equipment - tens frames, bundles of straws , bead strings and base 10.
