Friday 17th July
It’s hard to believe it’s the last day of the school year and my last day of being your teacher. I have missed seeing you and your beautiful smiles so much over the last 16 weeks. I am really sad that our year got cut short, but it has been a year I will never forget. You are a wonderful class! Please make sure you come and say hello in September.
Thank you to all the parents being so lovely too. You have all been great!
Have a fantastic summer.
Take care,
Miss Lancaster xx
Monday 29th June
Good morning children,
I hope you’re all still smiling!
Happy belated birthday to a boy in our class who turned 6 on Saturday. I hope you enjoyed your day. We have another birthday tomorrow too. I hope you enjoy your day!
A very exciting week this week! I think you’re going to really enjoy it. I am looking forward to receiving your pictures and messages.
Missing you.
Take care,
Miss Lancaster
Thursday 25th June
Hello boys and girls,
I hope you’re enjoying this glorious weather that we are having. Perfect weather for a picnic!
Lots of you are back in school and it has been lovely to see your happy, smiley faces. Some of you are still enjoying time at home with your families. I haven’t forgotten about you, I’m still thinking about you lots! I’d love to hear from you β€οΈ
Take care,
Miss Lancaster xx
Monday 22nd June
Hello 1/RL,
How are you all?
It was lovely to receive lots of messages last week telling me how much you enjoyed Aliens Love Underpants and learning all about space! I have put all your amazing facts together in a special fact file. I hope you enjoy watching it.
I hope you enjoy this week’s home learning tasks too! I am enjoying all of your pictures that you send me.
Keep smiling your wonderful smiles.
Missing you!
Miss Lancaster xx
Wednesday 17th June
Good morning boys and girls,
How are you all? I can tell you're all having a very exciting week! I have received so many fabulous pictures and space facts. Keep them coming!
Here are some that I received today:
1) The moon is smaller than the earth. You can fit 4 moons into earth.
2) Astronauts space helmets have a radio inside to talk to each other.
3) About a million Earths could fit inside the Sun.
4) The Sun is so hot it keeps us warm from over 93 million miles away.
5) Jupiter is the biggest planet in the solar system.
6) If the Sun was the size of a beach ball, Jupiter would be as small as a tennis ball, and Earth would be the size of a pea.
7) If you could build a road to the moon, it would take 4 months to drive there.
I have a class of SUPERSTARS!
Keep smiling!
Miss Lancaster xx
Tuesday 16th June
Luca-Jay (Miss Ridgway’s little boy) reports another alien sighting! Not to worry though boys and girls, they left him lots of sweets!!!!!
Friday 12th June
Hello 1/RL,
It’s Friday, yippee! Another week done and you have amazed me yet again with your fantastic work. Well done, you should feel very proud of yourselves; I know I do!
I have really enjoyed talking to some of you on the phone this week. I have enjoyed finding out lots of amazing facts about owls. You told me that they are nocturnal. Can you remember what nocturnal means? You also told me that they have powerful claws and they can turn their heads around. Fascinating!
If I haven’t managed to speak to you yet I will try again next week. If you have a preferred day/time just email me to let me know.
I hope you have a wonderful weekend boys and girls. I’ll speak to you again on Monday.
Thank you for working so hard.
Missing you,
Miss Lancaster xx
Thursday 11th June
Good morning boys and girls,
Just a quick message to say I am so proud of you all. I am missing you so much.
I have been doing the ELSA photograph challenge, have you? I’d love to see them. I love seeing your smiley faces.
I’ve added a little video message from Poppy too!
Keep in touch,
Miss Lancaster xx
Tuesday 9th June
Good morning 1/RL,
How are you all today? Are you enjoying this weeks home learning? Owl Babies is one of my favourite stories! However, I have a little confession......I have a slight phobia of owls! Some of the year 1's might remember that we had some real owls visit our school. I was very brave and managed to conquer my fear. Have you ever conquered a fear? I'll put some pictures on from the owl visit.
Thank you for the pictures and message I have received. Please keep in touch.
Missing you all,
Miss Lancaster xx
Thursday 4th June
Good morning 1/RL,
I hope you’re having a lovely week and enjoying the home learning activities.
I had a great day in school yesterday. It was perfect weather for flying kites. Have you made yours yet?
I finally got to see Poppy last week! We went on a walk (social distancing). It was lovely! I haven’t seen her properly in weeks. She has grown so much. I was telling her all about you boys and girls and some of the wonderful things you’ve been up to. She wanted to know more. She’s a very chatty 3 year old. She wants to record a video message for you all so keep an eye out.
Hopefully I’ll get to speak to some of you today.
Missing you lots,
Miss Lancaster xx
Wednesday 3rd June
Good morning 1/RL,
I hope you have been making the most of the wonderful weather we have had!
I have received some lovely emails this week already with pictures and messages so thank you!
I’m in school today with Miss Smith. We are going to be making kites. I know that some of you have been making them at home too. What shape did you make yours? You could make more than one using different shapes. Did one fly better than the other? Can you fly a kite if there is no wind? I’m looking forward to seeing them!
Stay safe, keep smiling and keep making the PROUDEST teacher in the world. You are amazing.
Miss Lancaster xx
Monday 1st June
Welcome back π
Friday 22nd May
Hello 1/RL!!!!
Happy Friday! Next week is half term too, yippee!!!!! I won’t be providing any home learning but there’s a couple of things I would like you to keep doing.....
- Smile
- Laugh
- Keep making lots of lovely memories with your family!
I hope you all have a lovely week. I want to thank all the mums, dads, brothers and sisters for your help and support. I hope you have a well deserved break and manage to relax.
I will still be available on the home learning email through the half term if you have any questions or want to send me a message.
I hope you have all received your praise postcard. I received one from Mrs Nunns. How kind of her! It made me smile. Please send me a picture of yours. I’ve put some in the ‘Praise Postcards’ sub-page.
Can you remember Jasper the magician? Mrs Cherry’s son? He’s on Britain’s got Talent on Saturday night. How exciting!!!! Keep an eye out for him if you watch it.
Stay safe and keep smiling!
Lots of love,
Miss Lancaster xx
Monday 18th May
Good morning my lovely class,
How are you all? I hope you enjoyed your weekend.
We only have one more week until half term. I can't believe how fast time is going. I am looking forward to receiving more lovely pictures and messages this week. Keep going! You are doing great.
Have you seen the potato video? Did you manage to find mine? I had lots of fun making it. I'd love to see yours!
Here is a phonics game you might want to play...... and a very special guest too!
Miss you all.
Keep safe and keep in touch,
Miss Lancaster x
Friday 15th May
Happy Friday 1RL!
I have just been on a long walk with Nathan. Here’s a map of my walk and some pictures.
We have had a couple of birthdays this week and we have another one on Sunday. I hope you have a wonderful day. I have your birthday balloons waiting for you at school.
Thank you for all the emails, pictures and messages I have received. I so proud of you all.
Enjoy your weekend.
Missing you,
Miss Lancaster
Thursday 7th May
Hello 1/RL,
Another week nearly done! I want to say a huge thank you for your amazing home learning. I am receiving lots of pictures and positive messages and I just want to say a huge well done to everyone (including the adults). You should be very proud, I know I am!
You'll never guess who caught one of your smiles today? My niece, Poppy! She passed it back to me. Keep passing them on. Soon we will have the whole world smiling.
Tomorrow is a very special day as we will be celebrating the 75th anniversary of VE Day. I have seen lots of you have been making decorations for your homes. They look wonderful. I hope you enjoy the day with your family whatever you do. I would love to see some more pictures!
Missing you all,
Miss Lancaster
P.S. Don’t forget about the rainbow challenge and I have also uploaded another story in the 'Story Time' sub-page, enjoy! π
Tuesday 5th May
Good morning 1/RL,
I just wanted to let you know that I now have 2 colours on my rainbow! Have you done the rainbow challenge yet?? If not, don’t worry, you may want to try and catch up today π
Keep smiling and stay safe,
Miss Lancaster
Monday 4th May
Monday 4th May
Good morning my lovely class β€οΈ
Have you had a nice weekend? I hope so. Thank you for all the birthday messages I received. You are all so kind. We have some more birthdays coming up in our class, don’t worry, I haven’t forgotten π
I am really looking forward to hearing from you this week. Your pictures and messages really cheer me up. Have you all seen the video of PE with Mr Dibb? Miss Smith and I couldn’t stop laughing, so our planks didn’t go very well. It was great fun though!
Today I am going to try and record some more videos for you.
Missing our classroom and your smiles so much. Mrs Nunns told me that one of you passed a smile onto her. Was it you? Keep passing them on!
Enjoy your day. Speak soon!
Miss Lancaster x
(Some pictures I took on my daily walk- what can you see?)
Friday 1st May
Good morning 1/RL!!
It's Friday, yippee!!! It's also the first day of a new month. What month is it? It's my birthday today too. Can you guess how old I am!?? Yesterday I enjoyed a virtual quiz with some of the other teachers. It was such good fun!
I have really enjoyed speaking to some of you this week. I will hopefully get to speak to you all over the next couple of weeks. You have been brilliant, as always! You make me very proud to be your teacher.
Have a lovely weekend with your families. Be good and keep smiling!
Take care
Miss Lancaster x
Wednesday 29th April
Good morning 1/RL,
I hope you’re all ok and enjoying this weeks home learning. Thank you for sending me your pictures and messages. I am the proudest teacher ever! They really do cheer me up.
I have added a new sub-page called ‘Story Time’. I hope you enjoy the story π§
I am missing you all sooooo much. Keep smiling and stay safe.
Miss Lancaster
(A picture of the baby ducklings I walked past on Monday)
Monday 27th April
Wakey, wakey, rise and shine! Good morning boys and girls.
I hope you've all had a lovely weekend and spent lots of quality time with your families making lots of memories.
Are you ready for another week of home learning? Remember to just try your best! I am looking forward to receiving more pictures of the wonderful activities and work you do.
I love the video that you have put together. It is so thoughtful and very clever too! It did make me cry a little though, only because I am missing each and every one of you so much. I can't wait to be back at school having lots of fun with you all. The mummy that put the video together has also put together a 1/RL WhatsApp group- if you want the details let me know. I think it's a brilliant way to stay connected.
I have made another sub-page for the baby pictures I have received- can you guess who they are? An extra little challenge for you.
Speak to you very soon. Take care.
Miss Lancaster
Friday 24th April
Good morning my favourite little people
It’s Friday and the sun is still shining, yippee! A perfect day to get outside for a walk or bike ride. I’ll be going out later with Nathan.
I hope you have enjoyed this weeks home learning. Don’t worry if you didn’t manage to do it all. If you’re happy, I’m happy!
Thank you for passing on your smiles. Miss Smith told me that someone passed their smile to her. Who was it? I’ve received lots of pictures and videos of your happy, smiling faces and they have brightened up my days so thank you.
I found this picture whilst organising my draws yesterday. Can you tell who it is? How about you send me some of your baby pictures and we can play a game of ‘guess the baby’?
Please stay in touch! If you haven’t emailed me already I’d love to hear from you.
Have a lovely weekend!
Missing you lots and lots,
Miss Lancaster
Wednesday 22nd April
Hello my wonderful class,
I am in school today with Miss Smith and the key worker children, but I thought I would leave you with one of my favourite poems.....
Smiling is Infectious
By Spike Milligan
Smiling is infectious
You catch it like the flu
When someone smiled at me today
I started smiling too!
I passed it around the corner
And someone saw my grin
When he smiled, I realised
I passed it onto him!
I thought about that smile
Then realised it's worth
A single smile just like mine
Can travel round the Earth!
So if you feel a smile begin
Don't leave it undetected
Let's start an epidemic
And get the world infected!
I am passing my smile onto you....... who will you pass yours onto? Let's get the world smiling.
Please send me an email, even it's just to say hello
Miss Lancaster
Monday 20th April
Good morning 1RL!!!!
Welcome back. I hope you have all had a wonderful Easter and enjoyed the glorious weather that we have had. We have been very lucky, let’s hope it continues. I have been on lots of beautiful walks in the countryside- look at these rainbow sheep that I walked past!
I will be getting in touch with you all over the next three weeks. You can now contact me directly and I will reply to you as soon as possible on this email- I would love to hear from you!
Also, one of the lovely mums has set up a WhatsApp group for all the mummys and daddys. If you want to join the group I will send you the details over email. What a fantastic idea to keep you all connected.
Missing you all so much. Take care.
Miss Lancaster
Thursday 2nd April
Just a quick hello!
Some of you will remember Mrs Cherry who used to teach at Pendle. Her son is a very talented magician. This magic trick is very clever as it explains what is happening at the moment. I think it's magnificent!!!
I am still missing you all so much. Keep staying safe.
Miss Lancaster
Wednesday 1st April
Good morning β€οΈ
I hope you’re all ok. It’s the 1st of April today which is also April fools day. I can imagine some of you playing some good jokes on your family!
Signs of Spring are definitely beginning to appear now. It is my favourite time of the year. The days become longer, the flowers start to bloom and you get to see lots of baby animals. Have you seen any yet?
I was in school yesterday. It is so quiet and strange without you all there. I can’t wait to see you all back together again.
After leaving a video of Poppy I thought it would be nice for you to see a recent picture of her. She loves books and princesses.
Give your family lots of big hugs. I’m sure it will make them feel very happy. Keep being the kind, smiley, happy children I know you all are.
Take care.
Miss Lancaster
Monday 30th March
Good morning my wonderful class β€οΈ
Did you all have a lovely weekend? And are you ready for another week of learning and fun? I’m sure you are βΊοΈ
I am missing you very much. I am loving all the pictures I am receiving. Thank you! It looks like you’re having so much fun, I want to come and play!
A little video to make you smile. It’s my niece Poppy. She’s much bigger now, but this video always manages to put a smile on my face.
I am still thinking about you everyday. I can’t wait to see you all. Enjoy todays activities and just remember to try your best.
Miss Lancaster
Thursday 26th March
Hello βΊοΈ
Hope you’re all still smiling. I wanted to show you the rainbow some of the children created at school yesterday. It looks beautiful.
I have started reading a new book today and I am really enjoying it. May be you could read a new book too.
I would love to see some pictures of the fantastic things you have been doing at home. Please send them to
Still missing you all. Stay safe π
Miss Lancaster
Tuesday 24th March
Hello 1/RL
I hope you are all ok? Are you keeping busy with the home learning activities? I hope so. Have you made a den yet? I think that’s my favourite activity on the home learning grid. Hopefully you can put your den making skills to use when we are back at school and we can make a big one outside. What do you think?
I am thinking about you all every day and I am missing you all very much. Please keep smiling your gorgeous smiles and remember……
If you see someone without a smile, give them one of yours
I will leave another message on here very soon. Take care.
Miss Lancaster