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Spring 1 - Hinduism


Our Hindu persona doll

We thought about different jobs.

We have written about the qualities that are needed to fulfil a job role.

We thought about who is special to us and how they show they care for us.

We discussed the act of puja and how Hindus worship in the Mandir or have a shrine at home. We thought about each of our five sense and how we would welcome someone into our home.

We learnt about the Hindu Gods and Goddesses.

We made one of the Hindu God’s Ganesha who is the God of wisdom and new beginnings. Look at our wonderful play dough models of Ganesha!

The entrance the Gurdwara

We learnt a lot about Hinduism and enjoyed looking at the deities.

Abbie told us lots of interesting facts about the Hindu religion.

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Abbie taught us a Hindu dance!

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We ended our visit by completing a Hindu scared aum chant.

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