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Weekly Homework

Homework set from Friday 22nd April this week is due in by Thursday 29th April:


15 minutes on TTRockstars

Century Tech assignment - 3 nuggets (Maths and English)

Minimum of 15 minutes per night reading


Please remember to bring an empty plastic bottle to school by Monday for our Science lesson.


Reading comprehensions (red folders) due in by Monday 26th April

Homework is set each Friday and must be completed by the following Thursday

Homework is set on a 4 week rota:

Week 1 : Century Tech - work set links to class work over the week

Week 2 : Century Tech - work set links to class work over the week

Week 3 : Choice Grid

Week 4 : No homework


TTRockstars must be completed weekly.


Children are expected to read daily for a minimum of 15 minutes. 

Times Table Rock Stars 

Weekly sessions are set every Friday and should be completed by Thursday morning.

It is important to practise sessions on TTRS every day. 

Children in 6A have a reading comprehension text to complete each week at at reading level which is accessible to them, these are given each Wednesday in a red file which is sent home with the children. Please ensure this is completed and returned to school on by the following Monday.