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Science - This term we are studying the human body and our senses.

Oh wow some aliens have been in contact with Mrs Hind. They want to know what a human being is.

Can you draw an alien and describe to them what a human being is?

Draw your own foot and the foot of an alien - list the similarities and differences.

Draw yourself and label as many parts of your body as you can. How many parts have you labelled?


R.E. - This term we will study Hinduism. For our first week we will look at how we show our loved ones we care for them.

Draw some flower petals and write on them a reason why you like/love someone. Form them into a flower and draw a stem.

I have set a piece of Maths place value work on Purple Mash for your child to complete today. 

TTRockstars has been set too and there is Numbots to work your way through. 
