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Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar


Today we are looking at Statement sentences.Statements are the most common type of sentence. They tell the reader a fact or idea about a single topic. They must always end in punctuation, usually a full stop. Watch the clip then write some statements about Paddington Bear's appearance.




Today we will review the text extract and film clip and discuss the similarities and differences we noticed yesterday. We will then write about which narrative we preferred giving reasons for our preferences.



Today we are going to count in steps of 2, 3 and 5 from 0 and in 10's from any given number forward and backward. We are then going to play a game of 3 x table Bingo. Divide a piece of paper into 6 equal parts. In each part select a multiple of 3 up to 12 x 3. The adult can be the bingo caller. We are then going to recall and use multiplication and division facts for the 5 times table. The sheet is located in the resource folder.




Our topic this half term is Hinduism. To begin the topic the children will begin by thinking of stories they have read where good overcomes evil, for example in traditional tales. The children will choose one 'good' and one 'evil' character, they will draw an illustration and write about each character attributing relevant characteristics to them.




The topic this half term is dance. This week we are considering 'hero' characters. We are going to choose a 'hero'  and consider travelling actions to convey different characters. We will be thinking carefully about the way in which we travel, turn and gesture. We will try to move using different levels and speed with fluency and control.




