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Spring 1: Blast Off!

A wonderful half term! The children absolutely LOVED this topic and we really see them thrive in their learning. Thank you, as always for your support! Enjoy the half term ‘break’! 🚀 ✨ 

Super morning for our stay and play! Thank you so much for coming into our classroom! It was lovely to chat to you, and show you where your children love to spend their days!

As promised... full of smiles 5 minutes after our grown ups went home! Superstars!

Week Commencing 6th January

Exploring volume and capacity.

It’s always lovely to see the excellent ideas the children develop using the resources and provision around the classroom.

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We had fun investigating with the Stomp rockets.

PRSHE Block of Learning - Learning how to keep ourselves safe at home, at school, by the road and online!

Before Weds, Thu and Fri registration, we have a special writing challenge to write words to match the pictures on the board! I think you’ll agree we have made a super start!

Super mathematicians in the space station, just like Katherine Johnson!

Baking with Mrs Hailwood! Amazing melting moments!

We explored what telescopes are used for, and made our own!

We have been using Balance Scales to explore weight, using words such as heavy and light to talk about and compare.

Week Commencing 30th January

Shape Detectives! We have been recapping our knowledge of 2D shapes. Lots of them went missing around school! We had our own detective clipboard, looked for shapes, explained how we knew which shape it was and then drew a tally to show how many we found. We managed to find all the shapes!

Week Commencing 23rd January

Re-enacting Neil Armstrong’s Moon Landing.

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In Maths, we have been learning about measurement. We started by using comparative language to explore length, height and width. Then, we had a message from an astronaut who needed to know if 4 different items would fit in his suitcase to the moon. We measured the items using cubes and counters.

We’ve used junk modelling to make our own 3D rockets!

Our skill this week is over arm throwing. We started by throwing shuttlecocks, and then moved into throwing javelins/rockets!


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On Monday, we launched our Space topic! Our new friend, Anna the Astronaut wants us to help her learn all about Space so we she can blast off to the moon! To begin, we made a list of all the things we know about Space, and what we would like to find out. We then went to the library in small groups, looked through different information books and discussed what we had discovered. One of the children said, "The sun is not actually a planet. It's a star!" We also watched part of Maddie's Do You Know to learn more all about space!

Week Commencing 16th January 

The children have been enjoying our space provision! It’s been great to speak to them about what they know, and understand their interests to plan our topic for the next few weeks!

Our PE skill this week has been gymnastic rolls! Firstly amazed at how sensible the children were during our first time using the mats, and they did a great job of completing different rolls step by step.

As a whole class reward for all making it onto the superhero board, we enjoyed some bubbles!

Teen Numbers - we have been representing teen numbers as 10 and some more, and recognising that the first digit in a teen number represents 10. I have been blown away with the children’s understanding of this area which is often quite challenging!

Winter Walk around the cricket pitch. As we were leaving the school gates, the children described this as a BIG adventure!!!! We crunched, stomped, jumped and ran through the snow!

We used clay for the first time. We had a plan to make owls. The children did a great job at describing how the clay felt and what they were doing to it - “the clay is very smooth” “I’ve got to roll it”

It’s always entertaining to discover photos the children have taken on the iPads!

We were very excited when it started snowing!

We listened to the bible story of David and Goliath. We thought about times when we have had to be brave and how we felt afterwards.

Week Commencing 9th January

A visit from some real Owls! We listened so beautifully to lots of information about owls, and saw them fly around the hall! We then had the chance to hold an owl called Bubbles!

In Maths, we have been partitioning amounts. The children now know that when we partition, we split the amount into parts. We started by talking about how we can partitioning blocks in a part whole. Over the end of the week, our focus is to draw how we have partitioned an amount into parts.

Partitioning 5

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Lots of owl fun.

We love choosing good book to read in the Library! This week, our task was to find books about winter and winter animals.

Super independent writing to tell us what the owls from “Owl Babies” might say.

We’ve made collage owls, and print owls using a Pom Pom.

Week Commencing 3rd January

Magic Musicians!

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Our first, “Thinking Friday.” Today’s question - Would you rather live in a hot place or a cold place?

Exploring collage, weaving and hot and cold colours.

Following on from the theme of winter, we have learned about igloos and watched a video about a igloo making competition! We had a challenge to make our own igloo which keeps a penguin dry. A timer was set for 5 minutes, snd when the timer had finished, a snowstorm came and sprayed water in the igloo! We had to make sure our igloo was strong and did not have any gaps. We commented on the materials used, and observed what happened to the ice as we handled it and the sugar/marshmallows as the water was sprayed onto it.

Super Igloos

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More super igloos!

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We made an igloo outside too.

We have been moving around objects in PE. We pretended we were driving moon buggies on the moon, driving round craters!

Lots of fun across the indoor and outdoor provision!

We put our wellies and puddle suits on for a very wet winter walk. We agreed that there were not many signs of winter, but we did find bare trees, red berries and felt the colder weather!

Lots of fun had during a very wet walk!

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