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Spring 1 and Spring 2

PSHE - 'Give it a go' Day!


In the morning we discussed rules with Mrs Evans and Mrs Roscoe. We made up our own set of classroom rules and designed posters to display.


In the afternoon with Mrs Kennerley we discussed the term ‘Risk’ and what it means. We talked about situations that involve healthy risk taking, for example, a one year old taking first steps across a room, taking stabilisers off a bike for the first time or swimming without armbands for the first time.

We discussed the difference between danger and risk. A danger is a threat to someone in some way e.g. stepping out into the road without looking. A risk is when someone can weigh up the danger and make a decision about what to do e.g. looking for traffic and only stepping into road when it is clear. We thought about steps that someone should take when they are weighing up a risky situation and are trying to decide what to do. We then made posters to show the steps:



Take a breath

Weigh up the consequences


Think a bit more



We then listened to a  story called ‘Do we take the risk?’ and talked about what we thought the characters should do.

Finally we were divided into small groups and we were given role play scenario cards. We discussed the issue, acted it out and decided on the best course of action to resolve it. 

'Give It a Go' Day!

PSHE Day - 'Better Safe Than Sorry' Day


We really enjoyed our whole school themed PSHE day on Tuesday. We were involved in many different activities about how to keep ourselves safe when in and out of school.


We started the day by imagining we were school safety officers. We carried out a risk assessment of various parts of school, including the classroom, cloakroom and school grounds. We then identified the main dangers in the areas and suggested how we could make it safer. It was great to wear the high visibility vests, record our findings and share our ideas.


We also thought about our safety around medicines and whether medicines are good or bad. In our Talking Partners we discussed our ideas. We discovered that medicines are very powerful as they can help cure, treat and heal people from all sorts of pain and sickness. However we need to be very careful about which medicines we take and how much we take. If we do not follow the rules we could be very sick. We studied packaging and examined warnings, braille and safety caps. We then talked about the safe storage of medicines and created our own safety posters.


We found out it was Safer Internet Day 2019! We discussed the rules we need to follow to keep ourselves safe online such as always keeping personal information safe and  personal information belonging to our friends and family. We discussed the importance of always thinking about how our online actions might make others feel. We know to be a respectful friend online and remember to ask for permission before sharing something about someone else. Most importantly we know know it is very important if we are ever unsure about something we see online, or if anything makes us feel worried, upset or confused we should speak to a trusted adult for some help and advice.



