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Special Events

Reception trip to Manchester Airport ✈️

Releasing our butterflies 🦋 

Year 1 trip to Blackpool Zoo 🦒🐘🦓🦍

Thank you for coming to join us for our outdoor themed stay and play! What a lovely afternoon.

The Secret Garden

Happy Holi! 

World Book Day 2019!


The children have had a day that they will remember for a lifetime. So many special memories made. We have LOVED getting cosy in our pjarmas whilst listening and reading our favourite stories. Mrs Nunns and Mrs Hargreaves shared a story too! 



Our trip to Tesco’s! We looked at a range of different food and discussed where it comes from and how it’s made/grown. We even got to go behind the scenes into the fridge and freezers!!

Chinese New Year

Stay and Play


What a lovely morning! Thank you to all the parents/grandparents that came to our stay and play session. The children had a wonderful time. We hope you did too!

Our visit from the OWLS!

Christmas party and Christmas lunch

Reception Nativity


We are so proud of you all!



Real Superheroes came to visit us - including paramedics, a dental nurse and a scientist.

Thank you to all the parents who came to have lunch with their independent, well mannered and happy children. We hope you enjoyed it as much as we did!

Our first week in 1/RL!
