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We recreated the Puja Shrine in the classroom and role-played what it would be like to visit a Hindu Mandir

In class 21S we have been learning about Hinduism. We have been looking at the act of worship called Puja. We looked at the Puja tray and discussed what the items are used for.

This week we focussed on the Three Kings in the Nativity. We talked about the gifts that they brought and how they are different from what we might buy for a baby, and why! We then used repeating patterns to make our own wrapping paper for our own special gifts.

Another half term means another exciting religion to investigate. This half term we will be learning all about Christianity. Today we used circle time to think of the best gift we have ever been given and how we felt receiving it. We then carried out some drama around this.

Hollywood calling....!

Still image for this video
Investigating gift giving

Did you know that Jewish people love celebrating?! They have a celebration called sukkah where they build sukkots to remind themselves of the time Jews had to escape across the desert. Today we had a go at making our own sukkots! We are very creative!

This week in R.E. we have continued to look at celebrations through our Judaism topic. We watched the story of Hanukkah and the miracle of the menorah. We then honed our cutting and sticking skills by making our own menorahs!
