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Messages for the Children

Hello everyone,


I hope you have had a busy week and maybe found time to put your wellies on and splash in some puddles! I couldn't believe it when I saw the clip of the alien spaceship landing in the outdoor classroom. I love all the aliens that you have been creating this week.


Did you try the photo challenge to recognise the grown-ups that work at school? Can you find the grown-ups that work in RGH? I'll give you some clues so you can see if you were right:

Mrs Davy looks very tall in her spotty dress.

Miss Smith must like spots too because she is sitting next to something spotty.

Mrs Hind is having fun in the park, I think she might be on a roundabout.

I had a cat called Samson when I was a little girl.

Were you right?


Keep working hard and having lots of fun.


Mrs Govender


Good morning

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A little challenge to start the week

Still image for this video

Where is Buster?

hello Children, well the weather hasn`t been quite as nice for Buster and I to go walking. We have had to get our wellingtons and rain coats on some days. Buster needs two walks a day whatever the weather is doing. It`s a lot of responsibility having a pet, I`m sure some of you will know as you have told me all about your pets at home.

I am sure most of you will recognise where Buster was today. It`s the best place to have a wonderful all around Clitheroe and good exercise climbing up all those steps.

Stay safe everyone, carry on with your fantastic home learning I love seeing all your photographs. 

Hope to see you all soon.

Mrs Davy and Buster.
