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Messages for the Children

Wednesday 13th May


Hello everyone, we hope you are all ok and keeping safe. In the next few days and during next week we will ring you for another chat to see how you are. It was wonderful to hear your voices last time and to know that you were as excited as we were to talk. smiley


Have to listened to The Smartest Giant in Town? Did you guess what was in Mrs Govender`s story pocket?


What did you think of Rufus all dressed up?


Well done for finding Mrs Davy`s place with Buster - Brungerley Park. There will be another photograph next week.


Did you manage to work out  where Patrick had been taking his close up photographs?

Here are the answers -

The red post box in our classroom. 

A cupboard latch on the mud kitchen outdoors.

A tyre in our outdoor classroom. 

The yellow close up was the plastic bit under the seats that you sit on to have your lunch in the hall.

The castle is on the big cupboard outside the hall. It has lots of trophies and medals in. 


Happy Home learning. We will be sending more Praise Postcards soon.


Mrs Hind and Mrs Govender.

Mrs Davy and Mrs Smith




Hello boys and girls. The story that most of you wanted to hear was `The Smartest Giant in Town`. Mrs Govender is going to read it to you this week. Next week I will read `Hairy Maclary`. I hope you will be able to join in with me. Keep safe. Mrs Hind.

Miss Smith's dog Rufus on V.E. Day.

We would love to see any of your celebration photographs x

Patrick on his I Spy around school.Can you guess the close up photographs?
