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Growing and Changing

Growing and Changing

Today we have been thinking about growing and changing. We talked about how our bodies change as we grow older and how our emotions can change too.

Session 1

We looked at a range of yoga moves and talked about our mental wellbeing.


Session 2

We talked about changes to our lives and how we can control some changes whilst others are out of our control. We made learning lines to show the changes that were made.

Session 3

We talked about a growth mindset and how we can change our intelligence and behaviours. We thought about ourselves and created some excellent ideas for the ways we can grow.

Session 4

We talked about how our bodies change and grow and how hormones might change our moods. Mrs Schofield pretended to be an unhappy teenager whilst we pretended to be the parents trying to find a compromise to a situation.

Session 5

We talked about our personal space. We thought about what we could say to someone who invades our personal space.

The Pants Rule

Although we have covered this before, it was important for us to revise the NSPCC pant rules. We created our own pants to include the rules to follow.
