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We listened to the sound effects of the main character - we guessed who it could be!

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The title was missing so we could predict what it could be!

We used Notes on the iPads to type the prediction of the title of the story.

The text was revealed:

The author - Chris Wormell

Miss Markham read part of the story and we discussed unfamiliar vocabulary which was in our word jar. We then applied our SPAG skill as we wrote questions we wanted to ask the dragon.

The dragon visited and answered our questions!

We stepped through our magic mirrors and we became the dragon! We were interviewed by Miss Markham who asked us questions such as ‘Why have you got smoke coming out of your nostrils?, What can you see when you are flying higher than the clouds?’

We stopped at the part of the story when George couldn’t possibly live in the cave! We chatted with our partner to discuss what he could be thinking!

We wrote thought bubbles based on our thoughts with our talking partner.

Creating the dragon from the text in preparation for writing adjectives to describe how the dragon.

What magnificent dragons!

We wrote adjectives on the dragon’s ‘fiery breath’ in preparation for our sentence writing.

Some super examples of applying adjectives into a sentence using because to justify the children’s opinions.

Reflecting on the character of George the mouse and gathering adjectives to describe him.

The elements of fiction

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The beginning part of some of our stories!
