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Autumn 2 Seasonal Change

We observed signs of Autumn in the school grounds and completed leaf prints.

We found out about the animals that hibernate in the UK from Autumn and through the cold Winter. We then made Bug Hotels using dried plant material to provide shelter for some of our smaller garden creatures like ladybirds, woodlice, solitary bees and snails. Remember to place it outdoors in the garden or near your house wall and check on it weekly to see who has moved in!

Science Investigation

We worked scientifically to find the material out of a small selection that would be the strongest to lift a bucket with a 1kg weight in it.


We predicted how many strips of material would be needed to lift the bucket.


We worked in small groups to find the actual number of strips needed.  We recorded our results on a simple chart. 


Here is the science investigation:

Science investigation

Still image for this video

We went on a walk around the school looking for evergreen plants. We took photographs to help us to identify the plants. We discussed which were deciduous trees and talked about how they have changed over the past month.

We discussed what was happening to the ice and we noticed that there was water around it so it was melting. Water can only stay frozen when it is really cold and that is why it melts. We put four different substances- hot water, salt, sugar and vinegar onto different pieces of ice and observed what happened. We noticed the salt cracked the ice and made holes in it so the ice melted faster. When we added coloured water to the cube with salt on it we could see how the coloured water travelled through the cracks and holes in the ice.
