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Autumn 2: Fire Fire!

The poet Paul Jenkins came to talk to us. We all wrote a poem together. We thought his poems were very funny.

We have been exploring shiny and not shiny things. We used torches to help us investigate. We thought shiny things sparkled and twinkled.

Our handprint tree and shiny baubles look so super!

Busy hand printing and bauble designing!

Learning about the Jewish festival of Hanukkah. We have made our own Menorah candles... we have also hand printed menorah candles which I will post tomorrow!

Week 5

27th November - 1st December

People Who Help Us / Oral Health


Ask your child about this week’s ninja words!

We have planted some daffodil bulbs. Now we have to wait for them to grow.

We looked at the artist Kandinsky, and his famous ‘circles in a circle’ artwork. The children did a super job creating their own!

Drawing circles with a range of art tools. Can you draw a tiny circle? A big circle? A circle inside a circle? Can you shade your circle using your finger?

Some lovely storytelling after listening to our story, The Selfish Crocodile!

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More melted moments with Mrs Hailwood! 💝

Comparing amounts using more, fewer and equal.

We talked about ways to keep our teeth and gums healthy. We sorted choices into ‘always’ and ‘sometimes’.

Week 4

20th - 25th November

People Who Help Us

Ask your child what these words mean!

“I’ve made a book about the Great Fire of London.” ☺️

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The Great Fire of London by RZ!

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We have been sorting pictures linked to the Great Fire of London based on whether they are from the past or from the present.

The Great Fire of London! We explored with different tools to explore how we could spread the paint to create a fire picture.

We blew our straws just like the wind blew the fire from house to house! Some straws were trickier than others...

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Painting houses like the ones in London in 1666.

We enjoyed using Sketchpad on the iPads to create a fire scene! I was so impressed at how quickly the children picked up how to change their colour and drawing tool.

Super reading and teamwork skills during Phonics!

We built buildings along the river just like in London.

Subtraction using a tens frame.

We used rollers to make leaf prints of the leaves that we collected and pressed last week.

We enjoyed making our mud for some very messy mark making!

A special visitor!

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Our number of the week is 7!

Week 3

13th - 17th November

Zog and the Flying Doctors! (People Who Help Us)

Autumn exploring followed by the delicious melting moments we made with Mrs Hailwood.

Forest Thursday! The children were fascinated by the windy storm earlier this week so today we made kites! Typically, the wind has now settled but we had fun making and testing our kites, ready to use properly when the wind returns! It was super to see the resilience and patience children had to make their kites!

Leaf Kites!

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Lots of fun testing our kites!

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Super reading and teamwork to play picture during Phonics!


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We have been matching tools to different people who help us, and discussing their role in society. I was so proud of this L who independently labelled what we could see!

Vocab Ninja! Ask your child about these words.

Drawing Club! Draw the Princess from Zog and the Flying Doctors.

Odd Socks Day! In light of anti bullying week and this terms PRSHE theme ‘Valuing Difference’, we spent the afternoon discussing how we are responsible for how we make others feel. We discussed how our differences make us special, and even though we are all different, one thing we have in common is that we all have feelings. We talked through a number of scenarios and discussed whether making this choice would make others feel sad or happy.

Week 2

6th - 10th November

Rules, Remembrance and Diwali

Ready for our Pendle Remembrance silence. We showed so much respect by standing quietly.

Our poppies became part of our Remembrance Wreath. R wrote a super message to go on our wreath which says, “My Daddy is a soldier. He protects the country. “ Super mark making and a lovely demonstration of her understanding about Remembrance Day!

We had our own remembrance parade and placed our wreaths around the tree. The children had twisted branches from the willow tree to make our wreaths during Forest Thursday. Super teamwork!

Laying our wreaths.

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Can your child tell you the story of Rama and Sita using the photos?

Diwali Day! We have learned about the ways Hindus, Sikhs and Jains celebrate Diwali! We made Diva Lamps, patterns, drew Mendhi designs and retold the story of Rama and Sita.

Making poppies! We have learned why people wear poppies.

We went on an Autumn walk. We had to try and collect 3 leaves and explain why they were different from each other. We saw lots of interesting things along the way.

More ninja words! We learned about these in relation to Remembrance, as well as real life superheroes!

Ask me about these words... (For responsible, we say something we are in charge of). We are learning about these in relation to rules we have at home, school and as a country (i.e. laws).

We love to doodle! We doodled something from our weekend. Listening to music, we chose a pen and began to doodle! We then had special challenges to change pens, change colour and even doodle with both hands!

Reverse chalking firework pictures.

Our number of the week is 5! What a super number detective you are, searching around the classroom for ways to show 5!

We are always busy exploring the classroom provision, learning with our friends!

Week 1

30th October - 3rd November

Halloween & Bonfire Night

We have been learning about bonfire night, and how it happens each year to remember the Gunpowder Plot over 400 years ago! The children have enjoyed watching the videos from the bbc series below. What can they tell you about the photos below?

Making edible sparklers to take to our bonfire!

Dancing to firework music! Can we jump and explode just like a firework? Can we match the rhythm and volume of the music using our bodies?

Drawing our guy to put on the bonfire!

Firework pictures! We used oil pastels for the first time, and talked about wavy, straight, thick and thin lines.

We had great fun exploring things that melt. F. Had the brilliant idea of shining mini-torches onto the ice balloons. Look at the patterns we saw! Some of us were really good at holding a chocolate button in our hand without it melting. Some of us found this a delicious messy challenge!

To kickstart our ‘Fire Fire’ topic, we had a visit from the fire station! Gary & Aiden taught us about their jobs as firefighters, including what special equipment they wear and the sort of emergencies fire engines need to go to! They let us having a go at spraying water onto a ‘fire’ (the bins!) and even let us have a look inside their fire engine!

Vocab Ninja - Ask your child about these words!

Drawing Club - A Dark, Dark, Tale. We began by drawing the mouse today!

The magic of mark making! It is always such a treat to see these letter shapes and strings become sentences later in the year!

We’ve started to talk about Halloween! Lots of very excited children!

Super duper counting!

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Autumn 1 Recap - Vocab Ninja - Ask your child about these words! (All linked to our learning around Goldilocks)
