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Autumn 2

Week 6 and 7


We have been busy reviewing lots of mental and written calculation methods. We have looked at expanded column addition and subtraction and chunking on a number line to mention a few. We’ve also been busy keeping fit and times table savvy with our daily Maths Aerobics. Our knowledge and recall of our times tables is getting better and better! Mrs Kennerley is very proud of our achievements! 

Week 5

Geometry (3D Shape)


This week our topic is Geometry and 3D shapes.


On Friday we looked at Symmetry. We identified lines of symmetry in 2D shapes and we know that shapes have more than one line of symmetry. We looked into how many lines of symmetry we could find. We used a ruler and made symmetrical patterns and we also discovered that most snowflakes are symmetrical, how amazing! We then made our own symmetrical snowflakes to decorate the classroom ready for Christmas.



On Thursday we looked at vertical and horizontal lines and pairs of parallel and perpendicular lines. We examined the work of the artist Kandinsky and identified these various lines in his artwork. We also noticed that 2D shapes featured in his paintings. We created our own drawings in the style of Kandinsky and aimed to include a variety of lines and 2D shapes.



On Tuesday we made sweetie 3D shapes using sweets and cocktail sticks. This was great fun! We identified the name of the 3D shape and counted the faces, edges and vertices (corners). We also made a range of 3D shapes using Polydron and played a card shape sorting activity.


On Monday to help our understanding of the face shapes of 3D shapes we examined a range of 2D shapes. We know shapes appear in the environment all around us. We searched for and identified these in the classroom and around school. We labelled the shapes and took photographs using the iPad. Some of us made our own shape pizzas too and others sorted shapes by their properties.

Week 4

8 Aerobics and Time!


 This week we are focusing on the 8 x table during Aerobic Maths. Try chanting at home too, whilst getting dressed, walking upstairs, or count in your head whilst brushing your teeth!



This week our topic is time, we will be telling and writing the time using analogue and digital clocks, including using Roman numerals from I to XII. We will be recording and comparing time in terms of seconds, minutes and hours. We will also be using vocabulary such as o’clock, a.m./p.m., morning, afternoon, noon and midnight.  

Time Treasure Hunt


We went outside to complete a digital and analogue time treasure hunt. We had to match the analogue to the digital time. Each match provided a letter clue and once completed revealed a message!

Week 3


Active Number Aerobics!


This week we have started 'Aerobic Maths' as an energetic kick start to our daily Maths session. We go outdoors and do a range of Aerobic activity whilst chanting a particular times table. This week we have been focusing on the 3 and 4 times tables. It's a great way to learn our times tables whilst getting fit too!


We have also been involved in other warm up activities involving visiting various outdoor Maths question stations. We had to find 1 more and ten more than 2 and 3 digit numbers and we also answered various multiplication questions.

Aerobic Maths

Still image for this video
Week 2

Written and Mental Multiplication


This we focused on written and mental multiplication. We wrote and calculated mathematical statements for multiplication using the multiplication tables that we knew, including two-digit numbers times one-digit numbers. 
Some of us used the formal grid method to find the answers to the calculations.


35 x 7 = 245



We all also made arrays. We related multiplication to repeated addition.



We went outside and made arrays using natural items and classroom resources in groups. It was great fun to take our learning outside!



