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Autumn 2


As before, we are expecting children to engage in TT Rockstars daily and to read frequently throughout the week independently at home and with their parents.

Additional to this, each half term we are asking parents to work on a project at home with your child. As this is a half termly project, we have high expectations for a quality piece of work. Please use the internet responsibly with an adult. 

Please submit your work by Monday 4th December 2023.


This half term we are investigating food through the topic of soup. We hope to be visiting the local market and a range of supermarkets to compare prices, air miles and seasonality. If you wish, you can do your own research using the sheet attached below.



We will be investigating healthy eating and a balanced diet through the use of the Eatwell Plate. Complete a plate attached below to show your varied food choices at home.  


Choose a recipe to follow and create a homemade healthy soup of your choice. Ask your family to taste your creation and rate this out of 10. Please send photos of your finished meal to the home learning address.


Create a map. Draw the route you would take to go from your home to Clitheroe market. Annotate any key features you pass along the way. You may also wish to walk your route and take photos along the way. This could be represented as a Keynote, PowerPoint or other form of recording. Please note, as this is personal information, this will not be shared on the school website once complete.


Create a gymnastic or a dance sequence related to your favourite piece of music. This sequence should contain balances, turns, demonstrate a range of heights and show your level of control. Send photos or videos to the home learning address.


Listen to a range of fables on the BBC website. Try to choose ones we haven’t covered in school. Imagine this fable was been transformed into a book. Please create a book cover that would inspire a reader to choose this fable off the bookshelf.
