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Autumn 1 Growth and Survival

This term our topic is - Growth and Survival. We will be linking this to humans and animals.


We learnt about the different stages of a human life cycle and how we can identify the stage a person is at - baby, toddler, child, teenager, adult and elder.

This week the children explored the meaning of adult and offspring. The lesson began asking the children which baby animal was the odd one out. What fantastic answers they gave!

The elephant calf is the odd one out because the other 2 are fluffy.

The duckling is the odd one out because it has 2 legs.

We then went outside to match up adults and their young learning new words deer/fawn, owl/owlet.




Our lesson this week questioned the children`s thinking about what our body needs to survive. 

We looked at lots of ideas and decided some things we may want - ipad, toys and agreed that what our body really needs is food, water, air and shelter.

On a rainy Wednesday afternoon we took our Science investigation outside. This is the problem we were trying to solve  - My arm span is the same as my height.

The children used chalk and worked with their partner to compare their height and span. They found out that for the majority of the class they were taller than their arm spam. We also discussed and examined scenarios such as Is the oldest person the tallest.
