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Autumn 1

Week 5


This week we have looked at the expanded method of solving addition calculations. We have worked really hard, well done 3K! We have also generated 3-digit numbers using dice and practised writing the numbers in words. 



Week 4


We are practising our times tables as much as possible. We are focussing at the moment on the 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10 times tables.

Please make sure you log in to Times Table Rockstars to complete the set homework sessions! 🎸

We are also practising counting in multiples of 50 and 100 up to 1000 from 0. Why not try some maths aerobics at home? It’s a really fun way to count in multiples and good exercise too! 



Week 3


This week we have looked at the properties of 2-D shapes. We have discussed properties of shapes and enjoyed going on a shape hunt around school. We have also examined measure. We recognise the importance of measuring accurately. We have discussed units of measure such as millimetre, centimetre and metre. We have discussed measuring in a variety of real life scenarios and we have practised measuring accurately using rulers too.

Week 2


This week we are thinking carefully about the value of digits in 2 and 3-digit numbers. We have been ordering numbers and finding 1 more/less, 10 more/less and 100 more/less. We are also finding the answers to some calculations mentally. We have really enjoyed taking our learning outside this week for Maths Aerobics! We are focusing on the 4 times table. The children are being encouraged to practise as much as possible at home too! 

Maths Aerobics

Week 1


This week we have been learning all about place value. We have looked carefully at lots of 2-digit and 3-digit numbers and thought about the place value of each digit. We have also been comparing and ordering numbers up to 1000 and using greater than and less than symbols. We have enjoyed playing games and using resources such as the place value arrow cards and dice.

We have done lots of times table practise too this week. We have revisited the 2, 5 and 10 times tables and we have focused on the 3 and 4 times tables. Our knowledge and speed are improving already! 

Place Value
