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Autumn 1

Our topic is - Under the Sea.


We listened to some music and clapped to recap the pulse and the tempo.


This week to focus on the pulse of the music the children listened to the piece of music form the film Jaws. We discussed how it made us feel and how the pulse got faster. We moved around the room like sharks.

Then we followed this by pretending we were on our surf boards feeling happy and excited moving along to the music from Hawwaii Five - O!

Dynamics and Timbre. The children learnt that dynamics relates to the volume and timbre is connected to the sound of each individual instrument or voice.

We listened to a piece of music from the French composer Camille Saint-Saens called Aquarium (Carnival of the Animals).

Straight away lots of the children recognised this piece of music from Harry Potter films.

We used lots of percussion instruments to copy the movement of fish in the sea thinking about the size of the fish and how fast they could be moving.
