Home Page

WB. 22.03.2021


The English document will be uploaded each day on Purple Mash as a 2do. 

Alongside will be a 2do template for the activity, alternatively your child can write their work and a picture of your child's work can be up loaded to Purple Mash.



The maths videos will be uploaded on to Purlple Mash.

Alongside will be a 2do with the worksheet. 

Please upload completed work on Purple Mash


To support your child with their maths in school we use counter/cubes, it would be beneficial if your child could use buttons/pasta/small toys/raisins anything you have available that your child can use to count with.


Please continue to use numbots to support your child's maths work. Certificates are still being sent out, just via email. 



A phonics document will be uploaded (on a Monday) as a 2do on Purple Mash with activities for your child to complete each day over the week. 

Monday - PE 

2do has been added to Purple Mash for PE


Tuesday - RE and Music

2dos have been added to Purple Mash for RE and Music (Mrs Hind)


Wednesday - Geography

 A geography 2do has been added to Purple Mash 


Thursday - Art

An art 2do has been added to Purple Mash


Friday - Science

A science 2do has been added to Purple Mash 
