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Place Value

Comparing numbers using more than, fewer than or equal to

How many tens and how many ones?

We matched up the amounts.

How many tens? How many ones?

We have been bridging past ten to make numbers to 29.

What is the missing number?

I can see...

How many tens? How many ones?

We have been continuing to develop our understanding of tens and ones.

One more than! We went outside to find questions attached to the cage. We used a number line to help with our number formation.

We have been thinking about tens and ones! We used bundles of straws to represent ‘10’ and used cubes to make teen numbers.

We used two tens frames to bridge past ten.

Roll the dice/turn over the playing card and make the amount with your partner! The children have loved playing this game. Especially choosing which resource to use!

We thought about the ways we can show five using a tens frame. We looked at the patterns we could see.

We have been working hard matching the representations to the the numeral and word.

Lots of opportunities to practise counting this week whilst on learning choice.
