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Maths Home Learning

Summer Term Week 2

Hello, I have had a lot of feedback about your home learning and am trying my best to ensure you all have work that you are enjoying and are able to do at home. As you might imagine some of you are able to have help at home and can get on well, some of you have parents still trying to work from home so need to be able to get on yourself and some of you find maths easier than others. Therefore to try and accomodate most of you I am providing 2 options:

1)White Rose maths


2) Maths tasks I have put together like before Easter, this will include 2 optional LBQ tasks; one on Monday and one on Friday this week, the code will appear here at 9am on those mornings.

Please choose which ever is best for you to be able to get on with - you DO NOT have to do everything.

You all must still complete your Times Table Rockstars .

I hope this helps and you enjoy your maths home learning this week.

Mrs Atkinson

Friday Optional LBQ code:
