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We used a map to recap our learning on the four countries of the UK. We then read 'Pop Up London' to help us label the landmarks within the capital. We also used Google Maps to take a virtual tour of London! The children loved it.

After discussing satellite images, we read 'A Walk in London' by Salvatore Rubbino to help us understand a 'bird's eye view' and the landmarks in more detail.

WB. 27.9.21 This week we have learnt all about London! 'Travelling Ted' paid us a visit, he wanted to show us all the exciting things he got up. We looked at how he got there, some of the famous landmarks he saw and then we compared London to the countryside. Some of the children told us of their experiences in London.

WB. 20.9.21 We are beginning to understand our place in the world. We thought about special places in Clitheroe and used Google Earth to help us understand differences between town and country.
