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Autumn 1

We began our learning on Rosa Parks by entering the classroom to find a 'bus'. However, only some children could get on the bus, you had to have a sister, and only then could you take up a seat. 

If you had a brother or no siblings, you were not allowed to get on the bus. We discussed how this was unfair. Why did it matter if you had a sister? We should all be allowed to sit on the bus. 


After segregating the children into groups, we discussed how not being allowed on the bus made them feel and how it was wrong to treat someone differently.


We read the book all about Rosa Parks, before designing our own bus, with people of all different races. We thought about why she was brave and talked about how she went to jail for fighting for what was right.


At the end of the lesson, we were all able to get on the bus, using our bus tickets to get on board.
